We went camping this weekend with our good friends Clark, Stephanie, Melissa, Katie, Greg, Jenifer, Mason & Noah and had so much fun. Our campsite was perfect - not too many people, quiet and shady. There was a nice loop for the kids to ride their bikes and scooters on so they were busy with that or playing in the dirt and finding caterpillars. We were next to the river so we spent the afternoons playing in the water and enjoying the sun. This is our tradition to go every year and we are already planning next years camp out. We would like to thank our friends for the wonderful and enjoyable time.
-Scott, Natalie, Lindsay & Caleb
Monday, June 30, 2008
Created By Our Family at 9:42 AM 0 comments
Camping - Part Two - Playing In The River
We spent a lot of time enjoying the river while we were camping. The kids had hours of fun playing in the water and digging in the sand. The weather was wonderful and the water was not too cold.
Created By Our Family at 9:27 AM 0 comments
An Hour At The Coast
On our way home from camping, we decided to head for the coast to walk on the beach and have some lunch. We were not able to stay long because we had all of our stuff in the back of the truck and we were anxious to head home! The time we did spend was fun, and even though it was windy, it was not too cold. The kids are anxious to come back.
Created By Our Family at 8:59 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
I, Caleb, Promise To Do My Best . . .
Gutter Boat Race
That Was Fun!
Receiving His Wolf Badge Upside Down
. . . To Do My Duty To God And My Country,
To Help Other People, And
To Obey The Law Of The Pack.
Wearing The Wolf Paw Print On His Hand
Created By Our Family at 10:48 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 20, 2008
Jacob and Caleb
Silly Picture
Serious Picture
Created By Our Family at 8:53 AM 0 comments
Friday, June 13, 2008
Last Day Of School
Lindsay & Her Teacher Mrs. Galvan
Caleb & His Teacher Mrs. (Sister) Perry
Created By Our Family at 10:32 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Happy 14th Birthday Zeke!
(Usually Found On Lindsay's Bed)
Created By Our Family at 1:39 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 06, 2008
Self Manager Bowling Party
Lindsay went bowling on Thursday with other Self Managers from school. A Self Manager is someone who is meeting their reading goal, turning in their homework, doing well on their spelling tests and one who is being respectful. There are a few special privileges in school for Self Managers (like longer recess for example). This is for kids in grades 3 - 5 and is earned each grading period. To attend the bowling party, you have to be a self manager all year. I think this is the last field trip for the year!!
Created By Our Family at 9:05 AM 0 comments
Accelerated Reading Swimming Party
Lindsay Getting Ready To Go Off The High Dive!
Sierra And Lindsay
(He Looks Mad But He Was Just Cold)
Silly Girls!
Created By Our Family at 8:36 AM 1 comments
Monday, June 02, 2008
The End Of The Oregon Trail Field Trip
Lindsay's fourth grade class went on a field trip to The End Of The Oregon Trail Museum. They have been learning about pioneers for quite awhile now and Lindsay even had a chance to do a report on the Mormon pioneers. I personally thought, being a chaperon and not knowing what to expect, that this trip was going to be really, really boring. But to my surprise, I really enjoyed it and the kids really liked it as well. It was very informative and entertaining. The presentation was wonderful and the movie was interesting. The hands on learning center was fun for the kids too. I am actually anxious to go back when Caleb's class is able to go in 2 years.
Created By Our Family at 10:52 AM 2 comments
A.C. Gilbert's Discovery Village Field Trip
Caleb's second grade class went on a field trip to the A.C. Gilbert's Discovery Village, a interactive, hands on museum. This was a fun time for him and his class. The highlights for Caleb was the bubble room, the craft room, the train room, theater room and the outdoor play structure. Here are a few pictures. I should have taken more.
Created By Our Family at 10:19 AM 0 comments